Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Winter Is Here!

GOOOOOD morning everyone! It's been quite a while since my last post. It's already winter again and time to get ready for the new year. To keep you guys posted, Rover is big and healthy now. He recovered very well from the parvovirus.

*Don't forget to vaccinate your kittens, and puppies at 2 months old*

To start off the winter, I'm installing a dog door in my garage for the dogs. I'm pretty excited about it, just a bit bummed out due to the weather in Los Angeles, I might not be able to get it done by this weekend. There's also pet licenses that need to be renewed. If your pet is not licensed yet, you can get all the info you need by calling your city hall. So many things to get done, and so little time.

If you have any topic suggestions for my next blog, go ahead and leave it as a comment =)

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Get Well Soon Rover, We Miss You

No matter how precautions one can be, something may always goes wrong. I spoke to you about the Parvovirus before and how to prevent it. Unfortunately, sometimes there is nothing that you can do to prevent such things. My puppy Rover is currently hospitalized and being treated for Parvo. It came as a surprise since he has all of his vaccinations and never stepped out of our yard at all. I am aware that people can carry the virus as well, but when one feels prepared and safe it's shocking.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

From Woof to Meow

Hey everyone! I have a big surprise for you, I now have a kitten! Exciting right? Just imagine little ol' me handling a German Sheppard, Golden Retriever, and a kitten. They keep me busy alright. Her name is Vienna, the most adorable and sweet kitty I've met. I'm not gonna lie, she does get feisty with the canines, but she'll get used to them...hopefully.

Having a kitten at home is strange for me, since I've never had a cat before. I literally spent forty minutes in the pet isle when I went to Kmart. I had no idea in the world what I had to get for her. With a little self-knowledge and help from friends I managed to walk out the store with cat litter, and food among other necessities. That was fun. A couple of days before that though, you won't believe this coming from me, I walked into Petco and walked out without purchasing anything at all! Miracle! I usually walk out of that place spending no less than $100. Ha! The only reason why I walked out empty handed was because I had no idea what to get.

Cats, as well as dogs, need to be vaccinated against all kinds of viruses. Outdoor cats usually need to be tested for leukemia every so often. Most people do not vaccinate their cats against rabies if they are strictly indoor cats. But even so, I would highly recommend that they do.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Nanny Dog

The Newfoundland dog is known generally as a gentle giant. They have a very sweet and calm temperament that makes them a very good family dog, especially a family with children. The Newfoundland is also known as the "nanny dog" because they are exceptional with children as well as with their own puppies. Just like the Golden Retriever, Newfoundlands are a water loving breed, and because of that they have officially made it to my "Must have" list. I love a dog who can enjoy the beach. Til' next time my friends, for more Newfoundland facts visit http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/newfoundland.htm

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I finally got my new puppy, he's everything I expected...and more. Oh yeah, he's a handful. Knowing that Presley loves him is a great relief, I love watching them play and just enjoying each others company. Presley finally has a little brother to take care of and play with. Rover barely turned two months old and is a very healthy Golden Retriever Puppy. I had forgotten how much I need to guard my shoes when a puppy is around, I could never be mad at my dogs though. They are total sweethearts, and will love me no matter what, so I return the favor at all times.

Golden Retrievers are the friendliest breed around. They make the perfect family pet because they are extremely lovable and easy to train. They are also water dogs, so this is a dog that enjoys the dog beach to the fullest. I'm definitely looking forward to that. One of Presley's secrets: he hates the water. So if you're searching for a new pup, look into getting a golden puppy, they're very intelligent. Oh, and don't forget, German pups are smart too.

For more interesting facts on the Golden Retriever go to:

If you'd like to suggest a blog topic, let me know!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Thank Dog!

Bringing home a new puppy is always exciting. But as a pet owner, you have to ask yourself the following questions:
  • Can I provide food, shelter, and health services?
  • Will my current pets welcome a new pet?
  • Will the children in the household be caring, and get along with the pet?
These are all question that we must ask ourselves before getting any type of pet. I will be getting a golden retriever puppy, and have already checked off all of the questions above. I am very excited, it's like bringing home a new baby. Of course, I don't have any children so I am only assuming it must feel like that.

Something else I wanted to share with you was a website I discovered:

It's a work our system that allows you to get in shape and train your dog at the same time! Sounds terrific to me. I'll heading there as soon as I have the time, and money for it. You guys should definitely check it out, it is very interesting.

Til next time darlings, and remember, your pup will always be loyal and care for you no matter what, so love 'em back.

picture borrowed by thankdogbootcamp.com no rights reserved here.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Don't Judge a Dog by its Bark

It’s been such a long time since my last blog, I truly apologize for that. I’d like to tell you all that I finally moved to a pet-friendly home. Yay! It’s been horrible without any Internet access, I hate to admit it.

I definitely love my new place. My dog, Presley, is free to run in the yard without having any issue and it’s the best feeling after having him tied up for a long time. I enjoy watching him run free, and seeing how happy he is makes be forget about all the bad things in the world.

Presley seems to be scared of the dogs that live in front of our house. Then again, who wouldn’t? They’re pit bulls. Putting aside all of the myths and stereotypes that follow pit bulls, we must admit that their physical appearance is very intimidating. Their sharp teeth, muscular body tone and size does not really help people forget stereotypes. I do agree with other people when they say that it depends on how the dog is raised and treated. But we must be cautious because if we encounter one on the streets we wouldn’t know whether they are friendly or violent. Remember that there is a specific reason why they have such a reputation. No matter how confident you are with animals, or what breed and species it may be, always be aware that they can attack.

Some tips:
  • Never run away from a dog that may be about to attack
  • If a dog goes for the bite, go down on the ground, and cover your head
  • Once you are out of danger walk away from the dog, very slowly
Now remember, I'm not a professional dog trainer, groomer, veterinarian, or genius. Everything you read here is strictly from my own experience and knowledge that I have gained so that I can pass on to you. Thanks for sticking around, til next time my friends.