Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Nanny Dog

The Newfoundland dog is known generally as a gentle giant. They have a very sweet and calm temperament that makes them a very good family dog, especially a family with children. The Newfoundland is also known as the "nanny dog" because they are exceptional with children as well as with their own puppies. Just like the Golden Retriever, Newfoundlands are a water loving breed, and because of that they have officially made it to my "Must have" list. I love a dog who can enjoy the beach. Til' next time my friends, for more Newfoundland facts visit

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I finally got my new puppy, he's everything I expected...and more. Oh yeah, he's a handful. Knowing that Presley loves him is a great relief, I love watching them play and just enjoying each others company. Presley finally has a little brother to take care of and play with. Rover barely turned two months old and is a very healthy Golden Retriever Puppy. I had forgotten how much I need to guard my shoes when a puppy is around, I could never be mad at my dogs though. They are total sweethearts, and will love me no matter what, so I return the favor at all times.

Golden Retrievers are the friendliest breed around. They make the perfect family pet because they are extremely lovable and easy to train. They are also water dogs, so this is a dog that enjoys the dog beach to the fullest. I'm definitely looking forward to that. One of Presley's secrets: he hates the water. So if you're searching for a new pup, look into getting a golden puppy, they're very intelligent. Oh, and don't forget, German pups are smart too.

For more interesting facts on the Golden Retriever go to:

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