Saturday, January 23, 2010

Don't Judge a Dog by its Bark

It’s been such a long time since my last blog, I truly apologize for that. I’d like to tell you all that I finally moved to a pet-friendly home. Yay! It’s been horrible without any Internet access, I hate to admit it.

I definitely love my new place. My dog, Presley, is free to run in the yard without having any issue and it’s the best feeling after having him tied up for a long time. I enjoy watching him run free, and seeing how happy he is makes be forget about all the bad things in the world.

Presley seems to be scared of the dogs that live in front of our house. Then again, who wouldn’t? They’re pit bulls. Putting aside all of the myths and stereotypes that follow pit bulls, we must admit that their physical appearance is very intimidating. Their sharp teeth, muscular body tone and size does not really help people forget stereotypes. I do agree with other people when they say that it depends on how the dog is raised and treated. But we must be cautious because if we encounter one on the streets we wouldn’t know whether they are friendly or violent. Remember that there is a specific reason why they have such a reputation. No matter how confident you are with animals, or what breed and species it may be, always be aware that they can attack.

Some tips:
  • Never run away from a dog that may be about to attack
  • If a dog goes for the bite, go down on the ground, and cover your head
  • Once you are out of danger walk away from the dog, very slowly
Now remember, I'm not a professional dog trainer, groomer, veterinarian, or genius. Everything you read here is strictly from my own experience and knowledge that I have gained so that I can pass on to you. Thanks for sticking around, til next time my friends.